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Managing Assignment Fees at Closing: Tips for Wholesalers

Managing Assignment Fees at Closing: Tips for Wholesalers

In real estate wholesaling, assignment fees are essential. Wholesalers often face challenges when buyers question these fees at closing, which can complicate transactions. This article by EMD Funding explores strategies wholesalers can use to manage assignment fees effectively while ensuring smooth closings.

Understanding Assignment Fees

Assignment fees compensate wholesalers for finding a deal and assigning the contract to an end buyer. The fee is the difference between the price negotiated with the seller and what the buyer pays. However, buyers may feel uneasy when they see a large assignment fee, which can lead to renegotiations or cancellations.

Why Manage Assignment Fees at Closing?

Managing assignment fees at closing helps avoid buyer shock and ensures smooth transactions. It can also preserve relationships with repeat buyers. Buyers who feel blindsided by fees are less likely to work with a wholesaler again, so managing these fees well is crucial.

Effective Strategies for Managing Assignment Fees

1. Double Closing

A double closing involves two transactions: the first between the seller and the wholesaler, and the second between the wholesaler and the buyer. In this arrangement, the buyer doesn’t see the original contract between the seller and the wholesaler. This keeps the assignment fee hidden.

Although double closings involve extra costs, such as additional closing fees and title insurance, they protect the wholesaler’s profit. Many wholesalers find the benefits outweigh the costs, as this method ensures the fee isn’t questioned by the buyer.

2. List the Fee on the HUD-1 Form

Another strategy is listing the assignment fee as a line item on the HUD-1 form. This approach is transparent and legal. However, the buyer will still see the fee, which may prompt questions or concerns.

To avoid surprises, wholesalers can discuss the fee early in the transaction. By explaining the value they bring to the deal, such as securing a below-market property or handling negotiations, they can justify the fee to the buyer.

This strategy works best with experienced buyers who understand wholesaling. When there is trust, buyers are less likely to question the assignment fee.

3. Negotiating the Fee Directly with the Buyer

Wholesalers may choose to negotiate the fee separately from the contract price. In this case, the buyer pays the wholesaler a finder’s fee or consulting fee outside of the closing process.

While this method avoids listing the fee on closing documents, it requires trust between the buyer and wholesaler. It can also raise legal and ethical questions, so wholesalers should consult a real estate attorney before using this approach.

This option can work well in markets where buyers and wholesalers have established relationships. By negotiating the fee directly, wholesalers can preserve relationships and avoid uncomfortable discussions at closing.

4. Partner with a Title Company Experienced in Wholesaling

Finding a title company that understands wholesaling can make managing assignment fees easier. Some title companies are familiar with wholesale transactions and can offer advice on how to handle assignment fees.

Experienced title companies might suggest rolling the fee into closing costs or adjusting the purchase price to include the fee. Working with a title company that understands wholesaling ensures the transaction remains compliant while providing flexibility.


In real estate wholesaling, assignment fees are an integral part of the business. However, managing these fees at closing can be tricky. By using strategies like double closings, listing fees transparently on HUD-1 forms, negotiating directly with buyers, and partnering with experienced title companies, wholesalers can avoid conflicts and ensure successful transactions.

Assignment fees shouldn’t create barriers to closing. By managing them well, wholesalers can maintain strong relationships with buyers and sellers, ensuring smooth and profitable deals.

Looking for helpful insights for your real estate projects? Bigger Pockets is a platform that can help you find groundbreaking ideas and experienced wholesalers to guide you throughout your journey.

One of the greatest advantages of EMD Transactional Funding Service is its ability to provide investors and wholesalers with immediate access to capital. Traditional financing options often involve lengthy approval processes and extensive paperwork, which can delay or even derail a deal. With EMD Transactional Funding, investors can secure the necessary funds within a short timeframe, allowing them to take advantage of time-sensitive opportunities.